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will return...

last updated 1/27/2024


Hi. We're a haunted house laboratory that's also a beer and wine lounge.


We do weird experimental stuff

to test your fear. (For science.)

Then you can play in our bar.

Until now, we were a seasonal thing -

we'd pop up in September, floor it to our 10/31 finale, then vanish.


But we're evolving.


2023 was magic and we miss it (we miss you) too much to wait another 10 months.


So we just signed a year-round lease.

Want a special heads-up (via email or SMS) when we're ready to announce our first non-Halloween thing? (Spoiler: it's a  Deranged Nighttime Easter Egg Hunt.)

Success! You're on our list now. We'll send you a link to pre-sale tickets before we tell the rest of the world :)

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